

di | 2020-05-14T17:17:23+02:00 14-5-2020 17:17|Alboscuole|0 Commenti
Di Chiara Gallinaro/3^D

Love, in all its forms, is probably the most important feeling in a mans or a womans life. Teenage love is a source of joy, but also of many problems: inexperience and age are a constant source of insecurity for many teenagers.

When you fall in love, youre happy, you seem to be able to walk three meters above the sky.

It should be considered as the most beautiful feeling ever, although many times it is considered the ugliest.  Perhaps because it is what makes us suffer the most, what questions us as people.  Love is not part of the mind, but of the heart.  It cannot be controlled, it cannot be maneuvered, it cannot be anything other than love.  Love has many forms.  There is love and love in this world, love for the family, love for the homeland, love for one’s neighbor, love for the environment, love for animals, love for  friends.

Hearing “butterflies in the stomach” is one of the strangest and most beautiful sensations that can be experienced, especially during adolescence, when all feelings are amplified and “first time” is the password.  But there are also negative things, such as the end of a relationship, a “no” that can be devastating at times, an unrequited love etc.

However, we do not live in a Shakespearean tragedy and what is always important to remember is that sooner or later from the end of a love we can start again.