//The value of a friend! Martina Uda 3A (Linguistico-tedesco)

The value of a friend! Martina Uda 3A (Linguistico-tedesco)

di | 2023-04-21T16:04:52+02:00 21-4-2023 16:04|Alboscuole|0 Commenti
Friendship in life is one of the most important things. Friendship is a strong feeling that knows no gender, race, religion and is sometimes even stronger than love; it can happen to quarrel but if you are true friends you always make peace and find yourselves as good friends as before .We need a friend, a person who can understand us without judging us, a person with whom we can be free. Friendship means loving each other, always being available for your friend, in happy moments and in sad ones. True friendship, however, is difficult to find ,in fact it is said that true friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand, the others are just people you know that you met in one moment in your life, but they can’t be considered true friends.”A friend in need is a friend indeed”, the one who helps you overcome difficulties, the one who even with a single word and a smile can change your day. Many times, when I’ve had a sad moment I have always talked with my friends because I knew they would have listened to me and helped me. Even at school when maybe the day isn’t going well, I’m sure that I can count on my class friends, especially Elena, because she was the first one I opened up to. A friend is always next to you in times of need, you know you can trust them and that when you tell a secret they will never reveal it to anyone and the thing is mutual because you too will make sure never to disappoint them. Unfortunately, it is not always like this, in fact many times a person we call a friend is not like this, they are the first to betray us, let us down and leave us alone , not caring about our relationship.In this case, even if it is difficult, the best thing is to end to this friendship, because that person does not deserve all the good you gave them, he does not deserve to be your friend. A true friend is so rare to find, but when you, do not let them go away!