

di | 2020-04-24T16:53:17+02:00 24-4-2020 16:53|Alboscuole|0 Commenti

Di Vellucci Maria Grazia 3^D

Bullying is a widespread phenomenon especially in schools.

Bullying victims are chosen for many different reasons: too studious, too fat, too nerd.

Sometimes it is enough to open your eyes to realize that even in your school, such episodes are not that rare.

Bullying is very different, sometimes it is physical and sometimes psychological violence, but the result is always the same: the victim feels lonely and thinks he has no more friends.

Who are the bullies? They are teenagers who try to assert their identity with violence against the weakest.

Bullying, however, in recent years, with the advent of social networks has also taken on a new form: cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying is a word that unfortunately we often hear today.

On the news, on online news sites, at school, this term is practically everywhere.

The meaning of cyberbullying is quite simple: it is an aggressive act carried out in the world of the web or through technological tools.

We could talk about bullying for hours, many treatises, newspaper articles and books have been written on the subject, but today many teenagers still victims of violence.

Teenagers like me have to do more, it is true, but in order for things to change, adults too must do their part both as educators and as a reference point.