//A friend is forever di Sara Foddis 3A (Linguistico-tedesco)

A friend is forever di Sara Foddis 3A (Linguistico-tedesco)

di | 2023-04-25T09:28:38+02:00 25-4-2023 9:28|Alboscuole|0 Commenti
Many agree that friendship is the most precious good. A friend is forever: he is ready to support us in times of need, but he is also a constant in our daily life. There are attitudes that can make us understand if the person at our side is really a friend or not, just pay attention. Friendship is that feeling that goes beyond the so-called «blood» bonds and that can be compared to love, only deprived of that sensual and passionate aspect connected to the latter. There are, however, signs that can make us understand if what we are experiencing is a true friendship. First of all, it can be recognized by the attention that is paid to listening to the other. Whether it is a simple chat or a more serious and committed speech, you are both present for each other. Moreover, the test par excellence of true friendship is, perhaps, the most difficult, or the challenge of time. Especially close friendships during childhood or adolescence are threatened by adulthood and the upheavals that life presents with the passing of the years. However, if all this undermines the bond that had been created, then, probably, that wasn’t really a sincere feeling. In fact, true friends adapt to the changes and events imposed by the passing of time shaping their friendship according to these transformations, making it even deeper and more mature. Finally, in a true friend you can recognize the obvious signs of affection: generosity, loyalty and understanding as well as a total lack of selfishness and egocentrism. In conclusion best friends never feel envy or jealousy towards each other, rather they enjoy the successes of others and support you in case of need, during the most difficult times and the most complicated challenges you face.