//#MajoranaDecameron#-3^D-ABOUT LOVE

#MajoranaDecameron#-3^D-ABOUT LOVE

di | 2020-04-24T16:49:25+02:00 24-4-2020 16:49|Alboscuole|0 Commenti
Di Rebecca Criscione-3^D-

Nowadays people no longer believe in love. A lot of people think love is only a disease of the soul and it consists in exaltation of the loved one. Others think it’s just physical pleasure,ephemeral for its duration, Schopenhauer thought that love was an illusion. Other poets like Catullus “I hate and I Love” his loved one; Dante in hell describes Paolo and Francesca overwhelmed by the feeling of love. To love means accept a person’s strengths and weaknesses.

Love reminds us man’s irrational nature, forthis reason it is necessary to believe in true love.