//#MajoranaDecameron#3^D-Once upon a time…

#MajoranaDecameron#3^D-Once upon a time…

di | 2020-04-24T19:25:46+02:00 24-4-2020 16:29|Alboscuole|0 Commenti
Di Miriam D’ONOFRIO-3^D

Once upon a time there was a girl named Esma Nelson, she was17  and she suffering from cystic fibrosis, she used social media tomake her disease known to others; she was a sociable girl and spent most of her time with her best friend Jonny, a boy with the same illness.

One day she met another boy with cystic fibrosis, Will, he was in hospital for an experimental therapy, in an attempt to free himselffrom an infection in his lungs.

 Esma was determinated to follow the therapy and decided to help Will to do the same, to better face the situation;

the two guys began to get to know each other.

However, to reduce the risk of cross-infection the two are forced tostay distant from each other

Then Esma and Will fell in love. Later, however, Will will discoverthat the therapy did not have good results on him; as a result, the young boy tried to get away from Esma. He wasn’t wanting tomake her suffer for his own death. But he failed because he was so in love, that he decided to spend the last days of his life with her. One day in August they went to the beach, they kissed, but a fewdays later Will died.