//Frankenstein, la genesi di un capolavoro

Frankenstein, la genesi di un capolavoro

di | 2024-03-24T15:29:36+01:00 24-3-2024 15:28|Alboscuole|0 Commenti
di Marta Garofalo e Sabato Gioia, classe 3^E – In 1815, in Indonesia, the volcano Tambora erupted (one of the biggest eruption ever registered). A year after, in Europe, there was no summer and the sky was yellow because of the gas that came from the eruption. For this reasons the weather changes easily and one night in June a group of writer met themselves in Switzerlzand (affair alike the “Decameron” by Boccaccio); their names were: Mary Shelley, John Polidori, Lord Byron, Bysshe Shelley. Each one wrote an horror story, especially Mary Shelley that, after a nightmare about a monster, woke up and right away she started writing about it. That monster was called from everybody the Creature, because he had no name. The novel, tells about a scientist in love with the theory of “Galvanismo”, that explains that a dead heart can return to beat by using electronic pulses: the name of the scientist was Victor Frankestein. In a stormy night he had the idea that consisted in composing a new body by joining parts from dead ones: doing this, he created a giant creature (using the theory that we have eplained above for catch a lumpo that can give electric messages at the body absorbed in the water) which isn’t what he expected because it was an enormuos and scary figure that didn’t know how to survive in this wild world, because he was still a kid, despite the big dimension. For this Victor was disappointed and, after a night without sleeping, he decided that he has to kill the monster, but, when he returns into the laboratory, he noticed that the creature wasn’t there: it had fled, alone, in a forest… In a cold and snowy day the creature found a little isolated home with inside a family composed by a kid, his parents and the grandpa, the first people which discovered that he was spying on them; the old man, blind, didn’t know that he was making a friendship with an ugly giant, and also the kid didn’t have problems when he have to speek with him, because he didn’t have preconceptions. But, when the parents of the kid saw him, they told him to go away and he, taken by the anger, killed every member of the family. Then he returned at his home when Victor was waiting for kill him; but, when he returned, he said to the scientist that he wanted a creature alike him, so like that he didn’t feel alone. Obviuosly Frankestain refused and for this the monster said that he wanted to kill all the man’s family, if it is possible. Then lots of facts happened, before the end of the book: they both were in a boat in the ocean, Victor sick and the creature next to his bed crying…for his father. In fact, when the scientist dead, Frankestain, the monster, called like this for this reason, got himself to fire, with the body OF HIS FATHER.

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